
    Selected Internet Resources for Christian Living

    Coming Soon!  Victorious Christian Living Training Courses

    Blue Letter Bible

      Online resources to read, search, and study God's Word.

    The Message Bible on BibleGateway   Quickly look up chapters by book  or using the audio player, set the book & chapter and then press the play button) - courtesy of NavPress.

    The New International Version on BibleGateway    Quickly look up scripture by book and chapter - courtesy of Biblica.



    • Mar9Tue

      Beyond the Veil

      March 9, 2021 by Ricardo Francois

      The Levitical Ministry Team (Worship Team) will come together every other Thursday at 7 pm with the goal to lift up the name of God, to learn new songs and to enjoy worshiping Jesus together. “Practice makes perfect” can be for everything we do in life. The more we practice being in the presence of the Lord, the better we are with Him. 

      Everyone is invited to join with the Team to focus on praising Jesus. Beyond the veil, you and I have full access to God’s presence!

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